Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The smoke alarm syndrome

If you are suffering from injuries due to cumulative stress / repetitive stress, i.e. patella femoral, plantar fascitis, non acute back and neck pains etc, going to see a doctor to seek symptomatic pain relief is only a temporary solution. As in my previous articles, pain site is hardly the source of the pain. Consuming painkillers and panadols will only help you relieve the pain temporarily. Resting it may not work as well as the trigger points and fascial adhesions are still present and requires manual soft tissue intervention.

Seeking symptomatic relieve is like removing the batteries from the smoke alarm. There is a fire in the house but the alarm is not working because the batteries are taken out. Without a doubt, removing the batteries from the smoke alarm is a foolish thing. So is seeking symptomatic relieve for pain which is clearly cumulative in nature.

If you are suffering from cumulative injuries, go get soft tissue treatment and get advise on proper corrective exercises to prevent it from happening again. This will help you enjoy your sport for longer without performing it in pain or on medication.


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